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Anatomy of a Preference
This module will present the steps the credit professional can take to build a strong defense against preference claims and minimize the cost of legal fees.
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Bankruptcy - Setting the Stage
This learning module will provide a broad overview of bankruptcy to familiarize the student with the different chapters of bankruptcy and the parties involved Topics covered include the Chapters of Bankruptcy, the Players and What They Want, Special Unsecured Creditor Issues, Starting a Case, Exemptions, Avoidance Actions and Executory Contracts.
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    Credit Check 4600

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    In order to achieve CAWA Certification, all applicants must meet the eligibility requirements, demonstrated through an online application process, and pass the written CAWA Exam. The applicant should determine his/her own eligibility before submitting an application to the program. For complete program details, please download our Applicant Guide.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 16 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Credit Check 4600

  • Product not yet rated Contains 12 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that all nursing facilities must have a compliance program by March 23, 2013. While large companies have had compliance programs for many years, smaller chains and single homes may not have yet established a formal plan.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 19 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Credit Check 4600

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    Jen Discussion component testing

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    Jens quiz testing

  • Product not yet rated Contains 12 Component(s) Recorded On: 07/23/2018

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  • A recent interview with Bill Gates
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